Housing for victim families

We would like to inform you that by CO “CHARITABLE FUND “HUMAN” as a result of the appeal of the victims of the Russian military actions against Ukraine, three people were placed in Mohyliv-Podilskyi, Vinnytsia region, as well as a family of three in Uzhhorod, Zakarpatska region.

You can donate money to help victims of hostilities according to the following details:

Одержувач платежу:
Найменування організації: БО Благодійний фонд «ЛЮДИНА»
Код отримувача: 43375813
Назва банку: АТ КБ “ПРИВАТБАНК”
Рахунки отримувача у форматі IBAN:
Гривневий (UAH) – UA673052990000026008036205625
PayPal: Veronika.kedyk@gmail.com


Name of organization: Charity fund “HUMAN”
Recipient code: 43375813
Name of the bank: JSC CB “PRIVATBANK”
Recipient’s account in IBAN format:
EUR – UA883052990000026006026224306
USD – UA723052990000026005046220596
PayPal: Veronika.kedyk@gmail.com