Veronika Kedyk
Director of the Fund
Andrii Izovita
Coordinator of the direction of assistance to the victims of the military actions of Russia and Belarus against Ukraine
Olesia Vashchuk
Coordinator for international cooperation
Oleksandr Torbas
Head of the legal support sector
Liudmyla Pidkuimukha
Head of the contract work sector
Marian Slabinoha
Head of the technical support sector
Vladyslav Us
Head of the Information Security Sector
Victoriia Romanko
Specialist in the WEB design technical support sector
Anastasia Timofeenkova
Specialist of the sector of technical support of decoration and design.
Олександр Прохорчук
Олександр Литвин
Андрій Хорольський
Юрій Данько
Кулікова Єлизавета
Верлос Наталія
Боцян Тетяна
Кузьмінський Андрій
Світлана Бережна
Анна Черв'як
Svitlana Berezhna
Head of the public relations department
Karyna Izovita
Head of the sector of formation of information image and PR
Polina Prokhorchuk
Head of the sector of providing charitable assistance
Alina Yevdokimova
Charity assistance receiving coordinator
Kyrylo Nikolaev
Head of the sector of work with internally displaced persons
Oleksandr Prokhorchuk
Head of the sector of organizational and control activities
Nadiia Zubchenko
Head of the translation department
Eugenia Polishchuk
Head of the sector of work with externally displaced persons
Iryna Sahach
Head of project activity sector
Vasylii Kedyk
HR coordinator
Mykola Pashkovsky
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Lawyer, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Scientific Adviser of Barristers AU.
Taras Finikov
President of the International Foundation for Educational Policy Research, Professor at the University of Warsaw.
Oksana Martinez
Volunteer Leader, Financier at Axciton systems, inc (Houston, USA)
Rasa Tamoshunaite
Senior expert of the Document Research Department of Center for Forensic Science (Vilnius, Lithuania)
Sniguole Matuliene
Dean of the Academy of Public Safety, Mykolas Romeris University (Vilnius, Lithuania)